Photo credit: ‘Jelly Fungi’ by Bernard Spragg
TWO DAY COURSENATURE-INSPIRED DESIGN - Biomimicry in architecture, design & city contexts
A sustainable future lies in the knowledge banks of nature’s elegant solutions taken from over 3.8 billion years of R&D, where solutions to many of the challenges we are struggling with already exist. In this two-day workshop dedicated to fields of architecture, design and city-making, you will learn about biomimicry and practice applying it to solve a challenge by asking the question ‘what would nature do here?‘ and ‘how can nature be viewed as a valid stakeholder in the design process?‘
This workshop will offer:
- an introduction to the field of biomimicry and an opportunity to practice in applying it within design, architecture & city contexts;
- new perspectives and the ability to arrive at innovative solutions to achieving sustainability, where the ‘solution’ is intricately tied to nature’s modes of sustainability;
- a systems perspective, both at the micro and macro levels, through which to view design challenges in order to achieve sustainable solutions dealing with our increasingly turbulent and complex world.
Skills gained in this workshop
Participants will:
- develop a new way to view, value and interact with nature
- learn how to apply these skills in a design thinking models for sustainable solutions in architecture, design & city contexts
- learn how to cultivate an ability to function in multi-disciplinary teams by using resources and values from biology and the life sciences
- understand nature’s own design principles and learn to navigate through the uncertain situations of the current climate emergency we are in
- learn and practice applying biomimicry to help solve your own challenges and help achieve sustainable innovation
- look to nature for inspiration to understand how a variety of species interact in their inherent ecosystem, and how to translate these values into sustainable solutions in architecture, design & city contexts
- develop knowledge about the contemporary discourse surrounding biomimicry, biomimetics and bio-inspired design
Creating your learning team
Please contact us to reserve your place. We work with you and other participants to construct the best learning experience together. By asking you to fill out a ‘motivation statement’, we will create a participating team that can work well together based on your interests and backgrounds. If we get more applications than spots available, we will make a reserve list and prepare to offer another course opportunity. We keep our courses to a small size that gives participants the best learning environment possible.
Due to ongoing pandemic restrictions we cannot meet in person, the course is postponed till spring.
16-20 participants
Spring, 2022
Stockholm. Sweden
7,800 sek + VAT (professionals) / student discount available
Team of experts:
Anna Maria Orrù
Fredrik Moberg
Louise Hård af Segerstad
Swedish and English experts running the course. Options for tutoring in all languages.